You’re Not From Around Here, Are You?

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Many people are concerned about the number of immigrants coming to America, many of them illegally.

However that is not always the case.

I recently had the pleasure of meeting a young man who introduced himself as Felix (like the cat), so right away that scored points with me. That was one of my favorite cartoons as a kid!

He said he’d been in this country for 30 years.

He became an American citizen in 2007, and even though he likes it in the United States (especially Los Angeles), he said it was time to return home to El Salvador.

He’s planning to leave on Saturday December 28th, leaving some family here, and returning to others he’d left behind. But before he left he wanted to know one thing.

He asked, “I pass by almost every day, before I go, I want to know what is this you are doing?”
I smiled and explained the purpose of the paper.

He seemed equally fascinated with the wrapping paper, so I flipped through what I had on hand, and he chose the Grinch, I guess no matter where you’re from EVERYBODY knows the Grinch!
The lesson here folks is you CAN’T always judge a book by its cover. Admittedly, many immigrants do come here illegally but not EVERYONE does.

Here’s a thought: rather than condemn those who do, why not ask yourself WHY they chose to come here in the first place?

Many times they are fleeing horrific circumstances — inhumane treatment, governmental oppression, economic hardship. Ask yourself honestly what lengths you would go to escape such atrocities.

In other words, walk a mile in THEIR shoes BEFORE condemning them for their actions without ANY knowledge of what they’ve been through to get here all in search of a better life.

It is worth noting that many of these individuals make significant contributions to the economy.
In light of this fact, I’d like to say this:

To my Spanish speaking customers, I’d like to thank you for your support — especially those of you who actually take the paper and read it!

A mis clientes de habla hispaña, me gustaría agradecerles su apoyo, ¡especialmente a aquellos de ustedes que realmente toman el papel y lo leen!

It’s VERY rewarding when you see me with The Contributor to hear a few of you ask: “La Noticia en espanol, sÍ?”

Es MUY gratificante escucharte preguntar: “¿La Noticia en espanol, sÍ?”

Again, to you all I can say is a heartfelt thank you! Una vez más, ¡te doy las gracias de corazón!

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