When You Stop

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As you are striving to do the next best right thing within your life, there are many individuals out there that are against the actions that you are taking. On the other hand, there are many in your corner that play as a silent partner to cheer your positive action(s) on.

That’s the time(s) that individuals must tie a knot at the end of their rope of life and hold on because the silence allows an individual to be dragged into modes of doubt. Doubt that circumstances and or situations just won’t get better.

Through the diaphragm within the essence of time, all things such as differences in communication through the various lingos and languages have their periods of change. Life’s growth expansion brings about a varying depth of training on the many types of experiences that individuals receive as long as we continue to strive in going toward the multiple depths of understanding.

If we realize that we are similar to an onion, where at a time that onion can have a sweet smell to it, but after a time it begins to carry a foul odor. Be honest. That’s where we all can say that’s us. When peeling layers of the onion, it continues to have different odors in which it smells and seems like actions just like our past. Those are issues that we all seem to drive ourselves to work on because within being honest about ourselves in society not many individuals want to be looked at and be around other individuals with a foul smell. See smelling is a sense that belongs to the part of the curious mind.

For instance, if there is something or someone that stinks and smells like defecation then most likely that individual has stepped in it and has done it on themselves or is involved in it in some form or fashion. That’s when a person that had been striving has stopped. That’s the area and time that the onion had become rotten, but before it rots to the core there is the chance of rejuvenation. When peeling layers of the onion, if water (known as a chemical of rain, therefore known as life) is applied then that onion can be refreshioned. At the same time it could be replanted to be brought back to living again. Yes, we humans have times that we give up and completely stop, but our Almighty Creator never stops.

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