What is Recovery?

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In this life, we all seek our almighty creator, God, and ask Him to bless us. Let’s look at the logistics, that being that He has given us the blessing that we’ve been so seeking for when and as He has chosen to return our Nafs (soul) back into our limited free will another day. Within that blessing of Him giving us another chance to make and or do things correctly according to His will, we first must examine the “things,” meaning all circumstances and situations in and of life. They ultimately must add up to His will and not to our limited self-will.

The issue of and definition of addiction varies because addiction comes in an enormous range of characteristics. Sometimes these characteristics are justified; sometimes they are not. Sometimes we justify them ourselves. For instance, an issue of an overeating disorder or having high blood pressure or high and low blood sugar from having diabetes brings about the necessity of recovery for our health. Likewise, we still have an enormous amount of other circumstances that call for the necessity of recovery. For instance, Nashville’s homeless issue is a recovery issue. Individuals need another chance from people here in Tennessee, a chance to recover.

Our almighty creator still has the determining judgment to return our Nafs (souls) back into our limited and often flawed supervision. Returning our Nafs to us gives us another blessed opportunity to strive to do His will and not the will of man. Simply put, mankind’s will can and will fail, but His will is perfect at all times. The answer to recovery is when our almighty creator gives us another day here on earth, it is always an opportunity to get in line with His will. To keep it simple: get out of our self will get in His will.

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