It was a beautiful spring Saturday in April and I could have been out working hard selling the paper. But my neighbor and customer had just given me a beautiful bike. It was a little small for me and I wasn’t sure if I could use it except that it has a girls frame and I need that for my back right now. So I took both my bikes to the bike fest and had the blue one fixed up for me for free. I gave my other bike, a men’s bike that fit me better, but wasn’t working for me, to the representatives of the Oasis Center. They work with kids, teaching them to fix and sell bikes. They are also a safe house for underage kids.

Photo by Lisa A.
“Sparky” at the South Inglewood Bike Fest.Patagonia was there handing out free stickers, decals and decorations for helmets and bikes. I got some handlebar streamers made out of old bike tires, and some shiny things! I chose lightning bolts for my helmet.
I won the lime green drink holder in the (free!) raffle, plus some venison snacks from Patagonia. What a wonderful day in the neighborhood!
B Cycle was there and explained that they are offering accessible bike riding in the greater downtown area. That means you don’t have to have a phone that can read a QR code or a credit card. You can use a debit card. Go to to register and prepay for a monthly pass.
They are aiming to make bicycle rentals more accessible to more people downtown. That is good news for us Contributors! The bikes are electric assist, topping out at 17 mph. The electric only works when you pedal, folks, so it is not a tiny moped! But that makes it much easier to get up and down the hills. There were lots of other electric bikes, a place to ride around and try them out, and lots of families having fun. Of course, Walk/ Bike Nashville was recruiting people to come and make Nashville a more walkable, bike-able city. Overall, I came away feeling good that I gave away a bicycle, and then came home with a great one, all for free!