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1.) Everyone wants peace
Why is it SO elusive?
In the world today
When we do come together
It’s easily torn apart

2.) Family includes
Both the one you’re born into
And the one you choose
Both equally important
To the one making the choice

3.) Cats are finicky
They have a mind of their own
They give affection
In cuddles snuggles and purrs
Without them life would be dull

4.) A creative mind
Ideas constantly flowing
Through one person who
Needs an outlet to show their
Unique types of arts and crafts

5.) Blue water green trees
Bring soothing serenity
Quiet solitude
Sunlight beaming through the trees
Only nature offers these

6.) Cooperation
People working together
In sync as a group
To achieve a common goal
Differences set aside

7.) How much time we have
There’s no way to know for sure
Make each moment count
Time is one directional
You can’t get it back-I know

8.) Physical beauty
Is fleeting it fades with time
Inner beauty stays
It increases in value
Like gems of the rarest kind

9.) You can find beauty
In the strangest of places
What you’re looking for
That is what you’ll often find
All based on your state of mind

10.) The flavors of life
Some are sweet others are sour
Salty or bitter
And everything in between
Based on what’s in the recipe

11.) Enthusiasm
Excitement that’s unrestrained
Boundless energy
Relentless pushing forward
Never giving in to fear

12.) Picture perfect scenes
Can easily be disturbed
One thing out of place
Throws things into disarray
How do you restore balance

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