So Grateful For All My Customers

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Well ever since I broke my leg a lot of people have helped me a lot. I’m blessed to know Clark Baker. He really has helped me. Sue has gotten all kinds of groceries for me. Aileen Katcher helped me with groceries and other stuff. Deborah Narrigan has helped me too. Donna Dinsmore has helped with groceries. Elizabeth Bethsells has also helped me. Jay Hicks is another person who I want to mention. I also want to thank Dara.

May God Bless everyone for helping me. I hope to get back to selling the paper. I’m grateful and blessed for everyone’s help and for people who have no clue what happened to me. I hope they find out about me. May God bless everyone at The Contributor. If it was not for these people I’m mentioning in this article I don’t know what I would do. I wish I could be out there selling you papers. I thought I would be back to selling my papers by now, but this is taking me forever to get well. I hope and pray that the people who have noticed me not selling the paper will find out what happened to me and will try to reach me. I wish I had someway to get out there. I pray for miracles and I hope to be out there. I miss my customers. I just wish I could walk good. I’m using my walker and can only take baby steps. It’s burning me up not being out there. I hope me and Tommy and our cats have a good Christmas. Everyone pray for me.

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