Matchbox Wendy — A Follow Up

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A follow up to a previous article written about matchboxes that were sold to raise money for the nonprofits. The matchboxes were decorated by volunteers who were all homeless people who decorated using paint, markers, extra. Over a period of time one thousand matchboxes were completed.

As a result of the sales of boxes, money went to Loaves and Fishes to fund their food and clothing this year. Also, The Contributor and other nonprofits benefited from the sales. Thank you for helping us make a difference in the lives of others. For the people who participated to make this possible. Thank you also.

Remember that it takes a community of people to work together. Each time you see us selling papers, we are grateful for your donations and your purchase of our papers. The matchboxes in the picture were painted by me, Daniel H. You can email me at Again, thank you for making this year a success.

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