As a custom of existing around individuals between the ages of 8 to 88 I realize the way they live is all that they ever known. So, how does one turn off that awful mode?
Realistically, survival is the mainstream of living in this dog eat dog world, and it seems like there isn’t any hidden switch. From the highest trusted person to the lowest scum of the earth we all are ran by that switch. There isn’t a person that can’t say that they haven’t been used and or haven’t used someone. The factor of being used makes an individual feel a certain type of way it has it’s good and it has it’s bad points, it’s all up to that person to choose to be used and for how long.
Take the matter of a toxic relationship. Each individual teaches the other how they want to be treated. One person has their own concept of how the other needs to be treated, but there is someone waiting for one to realize them from afar. The reproduction of toxic actions began and lasted for a year and a half and it only got worse. Matter of fact, it took both into detrimental stages as one had already known this in which kept it a secret. The other one was putting their all in all into making it work, but the actions of prolonging and excuses constantly came up. One day a care flight to the hospital came about that separated the two and gave the one in the hospital time to think and place pieces together. As pieces were connected the picture that was painted from the beginning was the same picture. The only thing was that the person in the hospital bed didn’t examine the fullness of the picture. Whereas the teachings that was taught to the one in the bed was to accept the full package, but in accepting the fullness of the package first find out what all that is in the package and weigh out the intentions and compatibilities of both parties. After the stay in the hospital the return home came. There was no food and the electricity was off and another person was in the house.
That was enough for the one person to separate from those toxic actions, but it came the other person’s time to end up in the hospital because of not properly taking care of themselves. Because that individual wanted things their way, it hung a black cloud over the other’s head because they moved in all of their belongings piece by piece until they were in illegally as if that’s what the other one actually wanted.
Well after calling 911 and instructing them that the things were considered abandoned, the call to a moving company was made to come pick the belongings up. Paying the moving company removed the black cloud. A year later that one that was in the background asked how much longer was it going to take until you had enough of being used? Accepting self-responsibility and self-accountability to live life on life’s terms helps any individual to realize when and if they want to be used and for how long, because the pain of remaining the same will not change until a person lets go of what has them in pain.