I Wish I Could Get Well

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Well, what can I say? Ever since I got hit by a car and broke my leg and then got surgery on my leg, I never feel good. I just wish I could make myself better. I think it’s gonna be a real good four months until I’m walking better.

This has been a very long and painful battle. I thought I would be better by now. This all happened on Aug. 19 and I can barely walk still. But I get out there when I can and my husband helps me.

I hope and pray that I can walk better one of these days. And feel better. I never feel good. Everything else wrong with me too. I worry that I might not live much longer. Sometimes I feel so bad I feel like I’m just waiting on the Lord to take me home. I guess God is not ready for me to come home yet though. But I just never feel good. I’m in so much pain.

My physical therapist says it could take a little over a year before I’m one hundred percent better. This is taking forever to heal.

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