I’ve often said that, at least for me, selling the paper isn’t just about the money.
I’ve tried many times to explain what I mean by that, but I feel I’ve always come up short, so I came up with a different idea.
Allow me to set the scene. I’m tired, I haven’t made much money and I wonder why did I even bothered trying to do this at all today. Just when I’m about to give up and call it quits for the day, someone rolls down their window and gives me a card that on the outside simply says, “HeLLo.” Inside it reads,
“You are a precious soul, and you are deeply loved, more than you could ever know. Please know that you are never alone in this life and there is nothing to be afraid of. You were created noble and from pure love, and your life has a unique purpose to bless the lives of others. We are all connected and need each other’s kindness, encouragement, and understanding. May you be open to the many blessings surrounding you each day. Thank you for being here and for being all that you are and can be. – A Friend”
On another occasion after having a brief conversation with a young lady, she handed me a note that read:
“I LOVE meeting people like you!
People like you make people like me happy!
Keep being the great person you are!
Have a great day!”
Another card I’ve received simply said:
“You are valued
You are loved
You are important
And the last one I will mention here reads:
“You are blessed today and every day.”
I wholeheartedly agree with that one!
It may seem like a very simple gesture, but it’s often just what I need to keep going!
Who wouldn’t be energized and encouraged by words like that?
Now, shift gears if you will to my local Aldi. As I stood in line waiting to check out, a gentleman recognized me as a Contributor vendor, and began asking me how my sales were going, how my granddaughter was doing and things like that. It didn’t take long until another lady in the line chimed in with a few questions of her own.
When we finished talking back and forth after I checked out and was bagging my groceries, she slipped me a note that read:
“Hi, I may not know your name but your story warmed my heart. I know things may be hard right now but it will get better because God has a plan for you. I know this isn’t much but I wanted to do this from the heart. This isn’t a hand out but a thank you for your time you shared with me.
-God loves you!”
How encouraging is that all from a chance meeting in a grocery store?
Not to be overlooked are the children. Picture the scene: As I’m walking along the side of the road I see a young girl (Emmalee — she spelled it for me) literally running toward me. When she finally got to me, she gave me a big ol’ hug as mom Rebecca looked on. She looked SO proud!
It have to say, it made me feel pretty good too, and it did wonders for my mood!
Now imagine this. I’m SO tired, my feet feel like lead and I’m not sure if I can take another step without hitting the ground.
That is until Alayna and her mom stopped to say hello. She rolled down her window and flashed a beautiful smile. She handed me a card that read, “You can do it.”
Those four words clearly written by a child’s hand were ALL it took to restore my resolve. I knew I could do it. After all, Alayna said so, and I didn’t want to let her down!
You can’t put a monetary value on things like this, THEY ARE PRICELESS!
In addition to those things, on days when I don’t do as well financially as I’d like, I often come home with food, clothing or goody bags of every shape and size. You never know what will be inside — shampoo, conditioner or other needed household items and NOT just for me, but for my whole family! All of which can be quite costly these days! How cool is that?
Finally, I have to mention the music.
Everyone who has spent time or even passed by my corner KNOWS I’m ALWAYS listening to music! Some will even roll their window down to hear what’s playing on my “jukebox” as many of them call it. If they don’t hear any music, they’ll often share what they are listening to with me and of course, I do my best to sing along!
Here are just a few recent examples. “Two Dozen Roses” by Shenandoah, “If I Ain’t Got You” by Alicia Keys, “Delta Dawn” by Tanya Tucker and “F****n’ Perfect” by Pink.
Even the Access on Demand drivers who take me to/from my spot get in on the act. After securing my wheelchair in the van recently, the driver who picked me up immediately turned on the radio!
I smiled and said, “Oh, There Ain’t Nothin’ Wrong With The Radio.”
The driver said, “No.”
I laughed when I realized he didn’t know that was actually the name of the song that was playing by Aaron Tippin!
Most impressive to me is an older man who stopped to visit for a while on a particularly slow day. He played one song after another, and I’d sing along until he changed the tune.
He asked my age to which I replied, “You’ve heard the song ‘I’m On The Backside Of 30’?” He nodded yes. Then I said, “Well, I’m on the backside of 50!” He concluded by saying, “Man! You’re a trip! ALL these songs are from the ’50s!”
My response? “What can I say, I LOVE music. ALL KINDS OF MUSIC!”
Experiences like this are not only fun but they help pass the time. Otherwise the day would drag on. These encounters not only give me things I need or want, they also help me stay positive when things aren’t going according to plan.