Coffee Shop Discrimination

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Yellow Graphic reading: Vendor Writing

There’s a coffee place that discriminated against a deaf person I know and called the police on her because she couldn’t hear. The staff told her she had to come in to order and when she did they called the cops because she was taking too long to order and holding up the line. I will not be buying my coffee at this establishment anymore. I can’t say the name, but it is a chain and it is a famous chain where everybody gets their coffee. It’s expensive coffee and you walk up to a window and everything. I’m hard of hearing and I’m worried that they might tell me I’m holding up the line and call the cops to have me arrested. Is this what our world is coming to? Just because you’re disabled or deaf or hard of hearing or have some kind of disability establishments are going to refuse to serve you? In our world we have what’s called the American With Disabilities Act and if you refuse to serve us, we can sue your butt. In my opinion the lady who was discriminated against should sue this coffee establishment, which is famous around the world. If that would have happened to me, they would have been in court, but it’s not my story.

Somebody told me once don’t look at the world the way it is, look at the world the way you want it to be seen. That doesn’t mean look at the world through rose colored glasses or discriminate against disabled people. Discrimination is against the law and some of these people are going to find out that they can’t just serve who they want when they want.

By the way, if anybody needs any advice or wants me to answer any questions on your love life or if you’re having problems you can email and I will answer anything that you have to ask.

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