Vendor Writing
The gifts my lord Jesus Christ gave me.
The Contributor (
Father Strobel made a big impression on me. He was a great man. I’m reading his book now.
I hadn’t seen him since he was nine because he was taken from me and his mother.
The Lord said to me first, “William, I am not ready for you yet, but I have some family members who want to say some things to you.”
I met a lady on 8th Avenue who plays the spoons and is also an artist.
I’ve always loved music. I started singing at three years old.
Well hello there, my name is William Boyd and I am wanting to enter America’s Got Talent. I have quite a few gifts that the Lord give me. I sing, I play the spoons, I can tell some good jokes, and I can do what a wrestler calls, “the spinneroonie” which is a break dance. And I would love to show all this to you and I have been singing ever since I was 3 years old. I’ve been playing the spoons ever since I was 8 years old.
People who drive in Nashville don’t really understand what it’s like for people who don’t drive.