Vendor Writing
Embracing Change: The Path to Becoming Better
Change is an inevitable part of life.
The Contributor (
Change is an inevitable part of life.
When one really wants to learn, then and only then will the teaching and teacher appear. The fullness of life is a very occupied event to be explained. The universe is full of expiring people and marvelous events that are good and bad according to the expectations of the various minds eye within this whole universe. Taking something so detrimental as getting a school education and using that education in society to survive and live when social media has a major grasp or deadly grip on the attention of the majorities minds eye. The true beginnings of teaching are those that came along with the fight of our existence whereas we began to become aware of the newness outside of the most comfortable area known to mankind.
As a custom of existing around individuals between the ages of 8 to 88 I realize the way they live is all that they ever known. So, how does one turn off that awful mode? Realistically, survival is the mainstream of living in this dog eat dog world, and it seems like there isn’t any hidden switch. From the highest trusted person to the lowest scum of the earth we all are ran by that switch. There isn’t a person that can’t say that they haven’t been used and or haven’t used someone.
As there are various jobs across the globe from the president’s seat all the way down to a person collecting and recycling plastic and aluminum, all jobs get paid.
Within the overall average means of existence, and the serene landscape with a tree symbolizing the strength and continuity of life, the diverse branches, the soft glow of Nur/light in the background representing hope and faith, are given only to ones of consciousness. Conscious individuals can and will accept and realize that living life is full of our choices and decisions, yeah various choices that are incorrect and but by the grace and mercy of our Almighty Creator God’s will that He returns us our limited free-will of our naffs/soul another day to redirect our choices only to make better decisions of and for our destiny. Whereas a destiny means the future that is destined for a “person or thing, or the predetermined course of events.” Decisions are conclusions and resolutions reached after considerations. The factor of considerations is those of Who Am I/You?
To live by the gun and die by the gun is a statement that means to demand respect!
The Jubilee Singers introduced “Slave Songs” to the world and in turn helped preserve Negro Spirituals.
Trusting in the process of our Almighty Creator God’s will, will allow the swellings to go down.
The issue of and definition of addiction varies because addiction comes in an enormous range of characteristics.
I want to take this time to thank our almighty creator God for choosing you two to be the vessels that He chose to bring about the gift of my manifestation of existence. I want to assure you that you’ve done the best teamwork possible and by y’all working together, you succeeded in the fulfillment of my presence. Now through experience being the best teacher of all times, I must also thank y’all individually for all the survival techniques of your history of vim which I’ve been able to pick up and use resourcefully. And with the acknowledgment that there are positive and negative aspects in every circumstance and situation of vitality, I also want to reassure you that I fully take responsibility for my choices—sometimes lol. I seriously know that I’ve come to find some loophole, blaming others for my mishaps and my misbehavior but that’s only because I’ve yet to receive the self-experience acceptance.