Yellow Graphic reading: Vendor Writing

Coffee Shop Discrimination

There’s a coffee place that discriminated against a deaf person I know and called the police on her because she couldn’t hear. The staff told her she had to come in to order and when she did they called the cops because she was taking too long to order and holding up the line. I will not be buying my coffee at this establishment anymore. I can’t say the name, but it is a chain and it is a famous chain where everybody gets their coffee. It’s expensive coffee and you walk up to a window and everything.

Yellow Graphic reading: Vendor Writing

People Who are Different Shouldn’t be Harassed

Because cops have badges on they think they can do anything. I heard from a friend of mine that the cops recently harassed and beat a trans woman. I hope they lose their jobs and someone does to them what they did to that person. They had no right to do that. Just because you are a cop doesn’t give you the right to beat up anyone you want.

Yellow Graphic reading: Vendor Writing

My Story

This is my story. My name is Julie B. and I am homeless and have cancer in my brain. I have PTSD and a disability and it is not easy for me. I struggle every day trying to stay alive. My body can not take it for much longer.

Yellow Graphic reading: Vendor Writing

Cops like to Harass the homeless

Me and a friend were sitting outside a restaurant downtown today and one of the cops around here got attitude with me and told me we couldn’t sit there. What are we doing by sitting there? I asked him where he wanted us to sit at if not there? This is how the cops treat us. Like criminals for sitting down.