One Sunday Morning

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I sell a newspaper in Bellevue. Let me tell you a Sunday story, a church story if you will. It all started last Wednesday evening. I was finishing watching the sunset behind Cross Point Church and was also watching soccer practice. I had a perfect vantage point for both. Then these two guys walk up with flashlights. OK, I know what you’re thinking … what did he do now? This is me we are talking about.

So, they ask me if I needed anything. OK, see the humor in the question. I’m homeless living in a tent selling The Contributor, for which I am certainly the worst newspaper vendor in the history of newspaper vending. I even have Sir Richard Branson beat at being the worst, and they asked me if I needed something, hmmm ….

So, you know me, I ran a whole lot through my head in less than a second. I was going to say something funny or sarcastic (my sense of humor), but I said no and asked what was going on and in the course of a two minute conversation wound up invited to church. Wait a moment. Me, a homeless guy Contributor vendor? Well, ok, why not?

Now y’all think you know where this going but ….

So I go on Sunday to Cross Point Church not expecting to see anything at all, maybe meet some new people, but nothing to make me sit up straight let alone write a story, but here we are. I grab a coffee and look around the very modern church. Thought it’s nice …  alright. I talked to some of the security and that’s what I do … best way to get the lay of the land …  talk to security at church works every time.

So I sit down and the music begins. Not bad song choices either. The thing is, I came in on the last part of a segment so for most of the service I was a little lost, but it was informative and a good service. Now at the last part comes on the screen the story of a local couple running a food pantry in downtown Nashville for the homeless, and I’m like OK cool … you’ve got my interest …  so what are you going to do? Well it goes on about the husband’s health problems and it’s a wonderful story, but I’ve been blabbing so I’ll shorten the story. Cross Point Church gave them a total of $20,000. Ten thousand for the pantry and ten thousand for medical. Now all I could say at that point was kudos to Cross Point Church.  I’m a homeless vendor and I thank you. 

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