The Bracelet: A Reminder Of One’s True Value

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A while back, a truck was stopped because of the light. I told the driver I REALLY liked her hat! Snatching the hat off her head, she said: ‘I’ll bet you REALLY like it now, don’t you?

As it turns out, She was bald, her hair had been taken from her because of the chemotherapy treatments she was undergoing because of cancer.

I apologized saying I had no idea what she had been going through.

I explained I was drawn to the bling on the hat. ANYONE who knows me knows I DO love sparkly things!

I then removed my hat and told her I had been donating my hair for over 30 years!

Her eyes filled with tears and she immediately pulled into the parking lot.

She parked got out of her truck walked over to me, apologized, gave me a hug, and thanked me.
I told her there was no need to apologize, if I gone through what she had, I’m sure I’d have a bit of an attitude too.

In an instant a friendship was forged.

From then on, she’d stop for a visit when she had her treatments IF she felt up to it.

We’d talk , I’d sing at her request occasionally she’d even sing along too.

There have been many ups and downs along the way during the course of her treatments.

Then one day, her partner stopped to let me know she had passed away, making what had already been a difficult day even harder.

He told me how much they appreciated everything I’d done for her.

He then presented me with a gift, a bracelet with the following message on it: “You Are Beautiful, You Are Valued, You Are Loved” , he explained: ’I had them made for her when she was having a difficult time gong through her treatments.’

He continued on saying ‘I know you’ve been having a bit of a rough time lately, and I figured you could use a little reminder too.’

What a kind and thoughtful gesture!

I have worn it nearly EVERY DAY since then and though several months have passed and the writing has begun to fade, the memories that it brings to my mind each time I look as it will be with me for the rest of my life.

Adding to significance of the gesture I know he was grieving at the time too, which made it even more special that he would take the time to think of me during such a difficult time.

If I may ask, if you know ANYONE undergoing chemotherapy, or ANY other type of ongoing healthcare issue, PLEASE do all you can to be there for them in ANY way you can, you’ll NEVER know how much it means to them in the end, or how much it will add to your life.

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