The Unifying Power Of Music

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When I’m not writing about my customers
Current events or things that happen to me in my day to day life
Or when I’m out and about or on the street
My attention often turns to music
The words convey such meaning
The power they have on our mind and heart is astounding
A song can totally change our mood,
Make us smile, turning a frown upside down
The words can stir our emotions
From deep inside
Even those we try to hide
Music can transport you through time
Reminding you of those you love
A husband, a wife, a child, other family and friends
It knows no age limit,
The beat, the rhythm, the words attract People from ALL sorts of backgrounds
It transcends socio-economic classes and stereotypes
Designed to fit us into a mold by a predetermined set of facts
Over which we have little or no control
It knows no boundaries
It crosses EVERY line
It is impartial, blind to race or gender
In a world that’s SO divided
By the news media, politics and religion
I find music to be a respite, quite refreshing!
Like the communities in which we live,
Genres meld blending different forms to create something new and different
with its own appeal
That’s pretty amazing! Don’t you think?
Yes, all of this can happen in 3 or 4 minutes Such a brief measure of time
Yet it can accomplish SO much!
People come together in a harmonious chorus of rhythm, and rhyme
In just a few notes or lines of a song!

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