Gone But NEVER Forgotten

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I’ve ALWAYS said selling the paper ISN’T just about the money, it’s about the connections you make with the people you meet.

That being said, when you lose even one of those who regularly support you, stop to check on you just to make sure you’re ok, or to see what they can do to help, it’s like a part of you is missing.

With the passage of time I’ve had customers who have died and others who have moved away. That’s to be expected I suppose, but it hurts even more when their departure could have been prevented.

One example of this is Chris and Marci. They would regularly visit me on the weekend.

We learned A LOT about each other with each visit because they made the time to stop and chat when they were out and about. Once, when they knew I was having a particularly hard time, they blessed me with a gift that truly made my day — maybe even my week. All I can say is it is SO like them to do something like that!

Don’t get me wrong, I knew they were a amazing couple long before that.

Chris gives off a ZZ Top vibe. I think it’s the beard. He says Marci won’t let him cut it.

On one of their recent visits as we talked I discovered that Chris has another love in addition to Marci: Old Chevy trucks.

As a 1965 model Chevy C-10 went by on a tow truck, he was mesmerized by it, totally forgetting we were in the middle of a conversation.

When the light changed the spell was suddenly broken, and he came to his senses. He apologized saying that was his “dream truck.”

Turns out he already has a 2009 Chevy Silverado on air tires that inflate/deflate with the touch of a button. They brought it by on their last visit so I could check it out.

I must say it’s pretty cool. I’d NEVER seen ANYTHING like that before.

So why did they leave the area? An area they loved.

They were tired of renting and wanted to buy a home, but with the skyrocketing prices in Nashville and the surrounding areas, it was virtually impossible.

In July, rather than renew the lease on their apartment and after a diligent search they found their new home, in Florence, Alabama where the cost of living is much cheaper.

They were able to keep their jobs simply transferring to a location near their new residence.

I’m thrilled that with the move they were finally able to achieve their dream of owning a home, but I also know that they loved it here too, and if they’d had a similar opportunity to purchase a home here they would’ve never left.

Let that be a lesson to those who are determined to continue building our area up. Ask yourselves: What good is it if prices are SO high that regular hard working people can’t afford to live here?

On a positive note, they have sent me their new address so we can keep in touch. As a result, I’m pretty sure they’ll stay up-to-date on all the latest and greatest news in The Contributor!

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