Health Care for Everyone

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Neighborhood Health started with one single office 40 years ago basically to aid the homeless. A lot has changed since it’s opening in the late 70s. The need was greater, they found out, and they extended their services to the poor and even the working poor. Today they have 13 locations scattered throughout Davidson County, Lebanon and Hartsville. The downtown Nashville location has been dubbed “The Homeless Clinic” and it’s well deserved. After multiliple noncompliance findings by federal auditors, Metro asked Neighborhood Health to fully assume responsibility for the Downtown location in 2008. Since then they have helped over five thousand homeless individuals. The clinic is located next door to Room In The Inn and a block away from the Nashville Rescue Mission. It is a much-needed welcome to the community. I first discovered the clinic after several trips to a local ER and referrals that were worthless without insurance. I was finally able to receive medical care after my stroke. No receptionist loudly calling to her coworkers that I didn’t have insurance. I received a paper to fill out and a smile. A top-notch doctor, Dr. Kelly, and prescriptions that they filled for me right there at the clinic. They were my lifeline until I finally got insurance through disability and Medicare.

I found out after getting insurance that I could stay with Neighborhood Health. A relationship of trust was built long before and made me more comfortable with sticking with them. Did you know that if you have insurance and go to one of the clinics it’ll help those without insurance? How can that be? Neighborhood Health is a nonprofit and every time someone with insurance comes in the fees, they collect from the insurance company goes to help pay for those without insurance. What a wonderful way to give back to those less fortunate.

Clinics are staffed with physicians, nurse practitioners, midwives, psychiatric nurse practitioners, dentists, and hygienists. They have mental health services and quite a list of people ready to help you no matter your ability to pay. As the community’s needs have grown, so has Neighborhood Health. It all starts with a call to (615) 227-3000. Choose which clinic location is convenient for you and set that appointment.

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