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  1. What is empathy?
    It is your pain in my heart
    How do you show it?
  2. What is a true friend?
    Someone who’s there for others
    In their time of need
  3. Turbulent waters
    Difficult times stress and strain
    Who will stop the rain?
  4. To make a true friend
    Be the friend you’d like to have
    Be kind and listen
  5. Happy, average, sad
    Emotions run high daily
    Leaves you feeling drained
  6. Pediatricians
    Care for our children and teens
    Until age 18
  7. Unbelievable
    Life situations can be
  8. Discrimination
    Is detrimental to ALL
    Affected by it
  9. Individuals
    Stand out as one of a kind
    A community
  10. Intimidating
    A scary situation
    Feeling all alone
  11. Representative
    Someone who speaks for others
    Giving them a voice
  12. Sophisticated
    Elegant, refined, fancy
    Not regular folks
  13. Irresistible
    Desire that won’t fade away
    With each passing day
  14. Appreciated
    Recognized for what we do
    Rare in today’s world

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