I Just Wish Things Could Get Better

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I’m sitting here wishing things could be better. My luck here lately has not been good with selling papers. I think my injury might have a lot to do with it. I’m not able to get out there like I used to. I’m so, so sad because I have bills to pay and if I have to have surgery again I don’t know what we’re gonna do. I’m already stressed out and worried and everything. To all of my customers, I’m so sorry I can’t get out there all of the time. May God bless all of my customers and may God bless everyone at The Contributor. I just hope and pray for a lot more customers to buy the paper. I’m really struggling. I’m so depressed. Sometimes I wish God would take me home when I’m really struggling. If I have surgery I will let my customers know. I just wish everything would get better. If I have surgery it will take two months until I’m better. It’s like we really need all the help we can get. I just wish we could have a good day. I hope to have better days. Before my injury, I was selling papers seven days a week. Monday through Friday I would be out there at 6:15 a.m. and on the weekend 6:50 a.m. All that changed on August 19. I used to be able to do everything I needed. I could go to the doctor or go to the store, but since my leg has been broken, everything is harder. I just wish things could be better. I feel like my injury is my fault. I’m so sad and I don’t understand why this is like this. I’m worried about money, my health and all of the above. I just keep praying for the best.

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