Panhandling Versus Selling The Contributor

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Yellow Graphic reading: Vendor Writing

I’ve seen several news stories recently about the increase of panhandling in my area, Hermitage. There is even talk of installing signs that read: “Say No to Panhandling / Give to Local Charities / Contribute to the Solution”

Some consider what I do (selling The Contributor) a glorified form of panhandling or begging.
In contrast, The Contributor IS “a Nashville Solution to Homelessness.”

Once when I was at my corner a truck was stopped near the light, as “Ain’t To Proud To Beg” played on the radio, the passenger spoke up and said rather emphatically, “I know that’s right!”
At first, I just smiled and waved, but after turning down my music I asked, “Are you talking about me?” He nodded yes.

I continued, “I’m curious, how many beggars do you know that actually give you something for your money?”

In addition to the current issue of The Contributor, I often carry bumper stickers (we have two different kinds), there’s even a book-a collection of the History Corner articles of the paper, which I proudly showed them.

When I finished speaking the passenger didn’t say a word, but the driver immediately spoke up and said, “She’s kinda got you on that one bro!” The driver bought a paper and a bumper sticker, and he’s been a regular customer ever since, always stopping to see if/when I’ll have something new, and sometimes just to say hello, how are you?

For the record, I ALWAYS encourage people to take the paper if they give me money, food, drinks, clothing ANYTHING of value!

Why? Because I know that their “gift,” whatever it is, WAS NOT FREE!

In contrast, people who stand on the corner and simply hold a sign give you nothing in return.

Now I’m not saying many of them don’t need help, but many of them DO refuse to take advantage of the many avenues available for them to help themselves. How do I know?

I’ve spoken to many of them in my area and encouraged them to at least try to sell the paper. Some are resistant to the idea, others outright refuse and even become belligerent. I’ve suggested to some who seem sincere but are reluctant to sell the paper that they get index cards and write positive messages on them, that too was met with skepticism and sarcasm (and that’s putting it nicely).

Many times these individuals aren’t even grateful for the things they receive, I often find bottles of water, and cans of food discarded in the grass like trash, that too is often left behind when they leave. On the other hand, I try to keep my spot clean!

I agree the number of people holding signs is on the increase, and it makes it harder for those of us with a legitimate product to sell.

So PLEASE as you pass by on the street, take the time to see the difference between those who “fly a sign” and those who sell the The Contributor and other related products, knowing the products vendors sell ARE NOT FREE! In fact, the cost has increased.

If you’ve never purchased a paper, I encourage you to try it, there is truly something in it to appeal to EVERYONE!

If you are a regular customer PLEASE continue to support The Contributor and its mission by supporting its vendors!

Finally, if you pay for the paper, TAKE THE PAPER — it is after all what separates us from panhandlers!

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