I come from the world of cassettes, VHS tapes, marbles, jacks, and other games that I miss seeing people play. Next Thanksgiving, I’ll be 75 years old. I’ve been clean for 17 years and I feel good. My health is important; I want to live to be at least 100.
Being able to stay active and do what I love is keeping me alive. I’m quick for my age, and I like being out and about every day and seeing new faces. It’s been difficult lately, not only with my personal health but with trying to stay safe on the streets. The sidewalks are all cut up and people don’t look both ways when they’re driving like they should. For my safety and the safety of others, this needs to improve; please help us continue doing what we love.
I’m always trying new things and learning new things. Soon, I hope to learn how to use a computer. What I’d really like to do is make demos and videos of my music for myself and The Contributor. There’s a lot of talent out here people just don’t know about. I have lots of ideas in the work that I hope to share with you all very soon.