Study Looks at How Music Amplifies Environmental Advocacy

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Music is a powerful tool for environmental education and advocacy, combining emotion and artistry to inspire action, according to a 2017 study led by Jennifer Publicover of the Maritime Conservatory of Performing Arts.

Musicians in the study shared insights on using their craft to promote environmental awareness, and the discussion and interviews for the study drew from interviews with artists featured on the David Suzuki Foundation Playlist for the Planet. The musicians — ranging from iconic singer-songwriter Bruce Cockburn to environmental educator-performer Remy Rodden — use their songs to address scientific issues, social values and environmental concerns.

One key takeaway from the study was the importance of authenticity. For music to resonate as a call to action, audiences must perceive the message as genuine and aligned with the artist’s broader values. Fans are often turned off by messaging that feels contrived or overly didactic.

The leader of the study wrote in abstract: “While we should not be too hasty to draw conclusions about efficacy, environmental education can benefit from the dialogue that arises through music, an art form from which so many of us derive great pleasure.”

The session also explored the delicate balance between advocacy and entertainment: Musicians noted the challenge of integrating environmental themes into performances without overwhelming audiences. Thoughtfully crafted songs and storytelling can spark dialogue and encourage innovative thinking while maintaining the artistic quality that draws people in. Time, place, and audience played crucial roles in the effectiveness of pro-environmental music. Performances tailored to specific contexts — whether festivals, classrooms, or intimate venues — help amplify the message.

Ultimately, music’s strength lies in its ability to evoke emotion, present diverse perspectives, and create cultural shifts. As these artists demonstrate, the study found that when used thoughtfully, music can inspire listeners to engage with environmental issues in meaningful ways.

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