I had a very good experience with Girls Write Nashville (GWN). I enjoyed spending time with my mentors. They were encouraging and taught me some good writing strategies.
I learned to time myself for five minutes and write whatever comes to mind. For example, when you do the writing strategies you shouldn’t worry about spelling or writing complete sentences. Also, I scheduled to write ideas and edit them to my liking.
In the program, I also made some good friends and learned how to support others in their art. I was always enjoying the other girls’ work that they shared with the group. They all impressed me with their play on words and the vocals they were giving. Everyone was very helpful when others needed help with a problem they were having. I loved how everyone gave great constructive feedback on everyone’s works. I also learned how to give supportive feedback and how to take constructive criticism.

Girls Write Nashville’s annual fundraising concert on Oct. 8 gives mentees a chance to be in the spotlight on stage. The concert also gives the mentees the opportunity to show their mentors that their work was not in vain. We as mentees and the mentors worked together to work on our writing skills and build up confidence for everyone. I saw that a lot of mentees and mentors help anyone who had writer’s block. I had mentees help me build my writing into what I envisioned. I also saw the mentors help each other when they needed help with coming up with new ideas to help mentees with brainstorming, writing, singing and more.
I think that groups like Girls Write Nashville are important for teens because they help them meet people their age that share the same passions. They also create a positive environment for socializing. Having this group is very healing as a person with a passion to write and sing. The reason I say this is because you have people to share your work with and get great feedback that will help you improve your craft.