Merrill’s Marauders tie to Tennessee
The Marauders were a United States Army special operations unit during World War II.
The Contributor (https://thecontributor.org/author/ridley-wills-ii/page/3/)
The Marauders were a United States Army special operations unit during World War II.
Major General Frank Maxwell Andrews is the most overlooked military hero in Tennessee’s history.
Nashvillians are generally familiar with Fort Nashboro, but less familiar is Fort Loudoun.
It was important for the state to buy the modest house and convert it into a museum honoring Alex Haley.
You’ve probably heard Tennessee called “The Volunteer State.” Here’s how it got the name.
Sarah Childress Polk played an important role in her husband’s political life. She was also a member of the Downtown Presbyterian Church in Nashville.
War stories about eight of the 142 Belle Meade Country Club members who served in one of the armed forces during the war.
Haven’t you admired the six-story brick building at 710 Church Street along with its neighbor, the Bennie Dillon Building?
In 1910 Nashville was the center of the largest and best hardwood region in the world and that the city handled practically the world’s supply of red cedar.